
Historical people of interest and the events that have made them famous


at a time

Mary Read and Anne Bonny - Female Pirates of the Caribbean

Before the golden age of piracy ended in 1720, there was just enough time for these two murderous women to stalk the seas around the Caribbean  more  

John Andre - The Most Valiant Solider You've Never Heard Of

The man behind Benedict Arnold's infamous betrayal of the US was the most popular British soldier of his time  more  

Grace Darling - Victorian Heroine

In 1838 an unassuming young woman shot to fame for her heroics after a passenger ship was smashed to pieces off the north-eastern coast of England.  more  

Florence Nightingale

The 'lady with the lamp' who has saved millions of lives with her focus on hygiene in hospitals  more  

Eleanor of Aquitaine - The Grandmother of Medieval Europe

The Queen of France and England who forged connections with anyone who was anyone in 12th century Europe.  more  


The Celtic warrior Queen who almost forced a Roman withdrawal from Britain.  more  

Bill Richmond - Britain's first black celebrity

A fighting champion who overcame slavery and prejudice to win respect in Georgian Britain  more  

Al Capone

The prohibition on alcohol in the US facilitated the rise of some of history's most notorious gangsters. Al Capone made sure he was the most infamous of them all  more